Impuestos internacionales
Ayudamos a los clientes a minimizar su carga impositiva, así sean ciudadanos estadounidenses con intereses en el extranjero, extranjeros no residentes con operaciones comerciales en los Estados Unidos, o no residentes con alto poder adquisitivo e inversiones en bienes inmuebles estadounidenses.
Con clientes en más de cuarenta y ocho países, tenemos una experiencia sin igual en asuntos de impuestos internacionales.
Desde la perspectiva de las inversiones hacia afuera, asesoramos a las empresas estadounidenses sobre cómo reestructurar sus operaciones en el extranjero con el objetivo de minimizar su carga fiscal en EE. UU. y cumplir con otras disposiciones contables estadounidenses. A través de nuestra alianza Praxity, ofrecemos asistencia especializada a nivel internacional y trabajamos con colegas de otras firmas altamente calificadas para asesorar y ayudar a los clientes en materia de asuntos contables y de impuestos extranjeros, además de ofrecer soluciones realmente globales.
Desde la perspectiva de las inversiones entrantes, ayudamos a los extranjeros que tienen empresas dentro de los Estados Unidos. También asesoramos a compradores extranjeros de bienes inmuebles estadounidenses sobre cómo estructurar sus compras de manera eficiente desde el punto de vista fiscal.
Desde la perspectiva de las instituciones financieras, nuestros expertos en impuestos internacionales ayudan a organizaciones financieras tanto nacionales como extranjeras a cumplir con la Ley de Cumplimiento Tributario de Cuentas Extranjeras (FATCA). Además, nuestro equipo de cumplimiento bancario ayuda a instituciones financieras nacionales y extranjeras con la implementación de programas de cumplimiento del Reglamento Antilavado de Dinero.
El equipo de servicios internacionales altamente especializado de Kaufman Rossin conoce en profundidad las complejidades de la ley de impuestos internacionales y tiene décadas de experiencia prestando servicios a:
Corporaciones multinacionales con sede en EE. UU. y en el extranjero
Emprendedores y sociedades anónimas cerradas
Instituciones financieras
Agentes, inversionistas y abogados especializados en bienes inmuebles
Corredores hipotecarios
Fondos de inversión inmobiliaria de EE. UU. (REIT)
Compañías fiduciarias
Contactos clave
Carlos A. Somoza, JD, LL.M.
Principal, International Tax
Carlos A. Somoza leads Kaufman Rossin’s international tax services practice. He has more than 25 years of experience in federal income, gift and estate taxation. He has served clients in the private and public industries, advising them in the areas of international taxation, estate planning, taxab…
Maria Toledo, CPA, MST
Principal, International Tax
Maria helps domestic and foreign privately-held companies, closely-held businesses and high-net worth individuals navigate the tax compliance experience as they conduct business and acquire real estate in the U.S.
Peter Stratos, MST, CPA
Principal, International Tax
Peter Stratos is a principal in Kaufman Rossin's international tax and transactions department where he provides extensive knowledge to his clients on international tax planning for both individual and corporate taxes as well as structuring and due diligence on the buy and sell side…
Leandro Barbuscio, CPA
Principal, International Tax
With his expertise in inbound and outbound international tax planning and business consulting, Leandro leads Kaufman Rossin’s international business services practice.
Carlos A. Somoza, JD, LL.M.
Principal, International Tax
Carlos A. Somoza leads Kaufman Rossin’s international tax services practice. He has more than 25 years of experience in federal income, gift and estate taxation. He has served clients in the private and public industries, advising them in the areas of international taxation, estate planning, taxab…
Maria Toledo, CPA, MST
Principal, International Tax
Maria helps domestic and foreign privately-held companies, closely-held businesses and high-net worth individuals navigate the tax compliance experience as they conduct business and acquire real estate in the U.S.
Peter Stratos, MST, CPA
Principal, International Tax
Peter Stratos is a principal in Kaufman Rossin's international tax and transactions department where he provides extensive knowledge to his clients on international tax planning for both individual and corporate taxes as well as structuring and due diligence on the buy and sell side…
Leandro Barbuscio, CPA
Principal, International Tax
With his expertise in inbound and outbound international tax planning and business consulting, Leandro leads Kaufman Rossin’s international business services practice.
Carlos A. Somoza, JD, LL.M.
Principal, International Tax
showing: Carlos A. Somoza leads Kaufman Rossin’s international tax services practice. He has more than 25 years of experience in federal income, gift and estate taxation. He has served clients in the private and public industries, advising them in the areas of international taxation, estate planni…
Maria Toledo, CPA, MST
Principal, International Tax
showing: Maria helps domestic and foreign privately-held companies, closely-held businesses and high-net worth individuals navigate the tax compliance experience as they conduct business and acquire real estate in the U.S.and:
Peter Stratos, MST, CPA
Principal, International Tax
showing: Peter Stratos is a principal in Kaufman Rossin's international tax and transactions department where he provides extensive knowledge to his clients on international tax planning for both individual and corporate taxes as well as structuring and due diligence on the buy and …
Leandro Barbuscio, CPA
Principal, International Tax
showing: With his expertise in inbound and outbound international tax planning and business consulting, Leandro leads Kaufman Rossin’s international business services practice.and:
Carlos A. Somoza, JD, LL.M.
Principal, International Tax
showing: Carlos A. Somoza leads Kaufman Rossin’s international tax services practice. He has more than 25 years of experience in federal income, gift and estate taxation. He has served clients in the private and public industries, advising them in the areas of international taxation, estate planni…
Maria Toledo, CPA, MST
Principal, International Tax
showing: Maria helps domestic and foreign privately-held companies, closely-held businesses and high-net worth individuals navigate the tax compliance experience as they conduct business and acquire real estate in the U.S.and:
Peter Stratos, MST, CPA
Principal, International Tax
showing: Peter Stratos is a principal in Kaufman Rossin's international tax and transactions department where he provides extensive knowledge to his clients on international tax planning for both individual and corporate taxes as well as structuring and due diligence on the buy and …
Leandro Barbuscio, CPA
Principal, International Tax
showing: With his expertise in inbound and outbound international tax planning and business consulting, Leandro leads Kaufman Rossin’s international business services practice.and:
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